Design tips: How to create a vintage-style bathroom

Vintage bathroom design tips

If you want to add some style to your bathroom and create a warm and relaxing atmosphere, you might want to try decorating your bathroom with vintage elements. This interior design style makes any space look elegant and timeless. So, if you feel like you could go for a bathroom with a classy vibe, take […]

5 affordable ways to upgrade your bedroom style

The bedroom is one of the few places in your home where you should be able to enjoy some unobstructed peace, quiet, and intimacy with your loved one. However, sometimes the bedroom can be as hectic of an environment as any other place in the house, depriving you of proper sleep, rest, and relaxation. But […]

Home office design ideas that will boost productivity

Lovely and fresh home office

Have you ever wondered which elements you need to include in your home office in order to be more productive and get things done? You need to include everything that inspires you to work and enjoy at the same time, and whether you run a successful business or just like to blog and consider that […]

Setting the mood: colours for creating a calming bedroom

Kimi wallpaper by Scion in Slate/Ink

We usually don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the room colour, as long as it goes well with our furniture. But colours have a big impact on our mood and thoughts. They can make us serene or cause anxiety, provoke happy thoughts, or be depressing. While the choice of colours is essential for […]

Big Paint and wallpaper design trends for 2018 and how to implement them in your home

contemporary living space

There’s nothing like a fresh coat of paint or a stretch of wallpaper to introduce a sense of novelty into your home. The year 2018 is bringing inspiring monochromatic looks, enticing combinations of colour and mesmerising wallpaper designs. With these beautiful paint and wallpaper design trends, there’s no need to plan for a home makeover. […]

Freshen up your living room without breaking the bank

A comfy living room couch and coffee table

For most families treat, the living room is the heart of their home. This is the place where they socialise and relax. When you spend a lot of time in your living room, you can fast grow tired of its look and the decor, but what can you do when you can’t afford a total remodel? Here are some design tips that are super effective and budget-friendly.