Let there be light: 6 tips for decorating dark rooms

6 Tips for Lighting a dark space

Humans feel better and happier in a brightly lit space, so don’t let your dark rooms ruin your mood. There are ways to light up even the darkest of spaces using lighting fixtures, natural light and some smart decor. Here’s how you can bring light to your home and make it cosy and comfy. Go […]

The secret of styling your home like a Parisian

Parisian apartment - a view through the window

The allure of Parisian homes lies in their enticing design that exudes elegance worthy of French royalty. Sophisticated, but not over the top, harmonious, but certainly not boring, Parisian style features a vintage beauty with a modern twist. Designing like a Parisian will help you give your home a luxurious, chic look along with your […]

Benefits of laminate flooring for your home

laminate flooring

In this week’s guest post from blogger Melissa Hamler, we look at the beauty and simplicity of laminate flooring. Laminate flooring, also known as ‘floating wood tile’ is a synthetic flooring product with numerous layers that are fused together with the help of lamination process. Why do people choose laminate flooring? Reasonable cost: This flooring […]

How to have an organised kitchen without throwing things away

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These days, it seems like there’s always a new Tupperware set or a stainless-steel pan to cram into the kitchen. Space is limited, but we so often feel like we need every single utensil in there, and we don’t have the heart to part with any of them because we might need to use it […]

How to design a bedroom with eco-friendly materials


When you think about all the eco-friendly projects you can do around your home, you might think that ‘going green’ in your bedroom is too difficult. Luckily, even if it is a bit complicated, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might think. A guest post contributor Derek Lotts says, by making several […]