Here is a selection of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about our wallpaper and our service.
Delivery varies, depending on the brand of wallpaper and where it's shipped from. Some wallpapers have no delivery fees.
We accept PayPal, Credit Card payments and direct bank deposit.
Delivery timeframes depend on which brand you order and where you live. It will take a little longer for some remote locations. Our designs should state what the delivery timeframe is - usually 4 weeks for wallpaper being shipped from overseas. COVID's impact on international freight and then locally via Australia Post has slowed our delivery timeframes. Some wallpaper, like the Majvillan range, is in stock and ready to be shipped immediately.
After you buy your wallpaper, we'll contact you by email to let you know that we've received your order and confirm any details, if necessary. We will then arrange for your wallpaper to be delivered to you as quickly as possible. Â
It depends what type of wallpaper you have. We have a page all about wallpaper hanging that you might find helpful.We also recommend saving your hair and Saturdays and asking a professional wallpaper hanger for a quote.
Yes! We have a list of recommended wallpaper hangers on our website.
Sometimes calculating how much wallpaper you need can be a bit tricky, especially when you have to take the pattern repeat into account. Check out our wallpaper calculator to help you work out how much wallpaper you need.