Bold Decor Statements for Small Living Rooms

A contemporary living space

We imagine the ideal living room as spacious enough to include several comfortable seating options, an entertainment centre, decorative elements, and enough space to walk throughout it without bumping into the furniture all the time. Unfortunately, this often doesn’t happen in an ideal world. Many of us have cramped tiny living rooms where we feel […]

2018’s Top Interior Design Trends in Australia

2018’s Top Interior Design Trends in Australia

You don’t have to trek through the metropolises of Western Europe in search of cutting-edge interior design. Australia has its own heritage of design aesthetics in cities like Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane – and it’s reflected in the mentality of its residents, the climate and our way of life. This is what makes interior design […]

The best plants for a happy and healthy home

Best plants for a healthy and happy home

If you are trying to turn your backyard in an outdoor oasis, there’s one thing that you absolutely have to have: plants. Gardens filled with lush flora can make even the smallest outdoor space seem like a retreat. However, your backyard isn’t the only space where you can enjoy beautiful flowers and lush foliage; you […]

Interior design tricks to transform your home

Mixed style furniture

Every professional designer has tricks and follows rules that can transform any room into the most beautiful space in the world literally anyone could enjoy. Creating a picture-perfect room only seems easy as there are so many factors that need to be included. In this guest post, Emma shows how taking care of every little […]

Useful tips for building a home gym

exercise for fitness with a pink kettle bell

When you lead a busy life but want to be healthy, going to the gym can become a privilege that doesn’t fit into your day easily. When you add the price of a membership to the mix (and your workout gear!) exercising can be expensive. Instead of ditching the workouts altogether, consider building your own […]

Decorating in Transitional Style: The Ultimate Guide

Transitional Style

Interior design is one of the few fields where you can have your cake and eat it, too. Providing you with an opportunity to express your creativity in an authentic way, transitional interior style enables you to combine both modern and traditional elements into an enchanting look. So, if you’re a fan of all things […]