The best plants for a happy and healthy home

Best plants for a healthy and happy home

If you are trying to turn your backyard in an outdoor oasis, there’s one thing that you absolutely have to have: plants. Gardens filled with lush flora can make even the smallest outdoor space seem like a retreat. However, your backyard isn’t the only space where you can enjoy beautiful flowers and lush foliage; you can also fill bring them inside and enjoy their beauty and the many other wonderful benefits that they offer.

The benefits of plants in the home

If you’re looking to improve the look of your interior design while boosting the health of your home at the same time, indoor plants are a worthwhile investment. Why? Researchers have long studied the effects plants have on humans. The findings of these studies have revealed that plants play a big role in improving health and increasing happiness.

Some of the most notable benefits that you’ll be able to take advantage of when you bring plants inside include:

Improved air quality

A study conducted by NASA revealed that house plants can improve indoor air quality. That’s because they naturally remove toxic compounds (like formaldehyde and benzene) that can contaminate indoor air by trapping them within their tissues or by breaking them down, neutralizing them, and releasing them as byproducts that are safe to breathe.

A better mood

You know that happy feeling you experience when you are surrounded by plants outside? Well, you’ll have the same feeling when you bring plants inside your home. Caring for your indoor plants can put you in a better mood, too. The simple act of watering, pruning, or just touching your plants can be very soothing and make you feel calmer, too.

Increased concentration

House plants may also be able to increase your concentration, improve your mental clarity, and boost your productivity.

Healthier skin

There are several plants that possess antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and regenerative qualities. By having these plants in your home, you’ll have instant access to all-natural skincare!

Which plants will make your home the happiest and the healthiest? Check out the handy infographic below!

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