Search Results for: paint

Decorating in Transitional Style: The Ultimate Guide

Transitional Style

Interior design is one of the few fields where you can have your cake and eat it, too. Providing you with an opportunity to express your creativity in an authentic way, transitional interior style enables you to combine both modern and traditional elements into an enchanting look. So, if you’re a fan of all things […]

5 tips to organise interior design materials

A fresh home in light timber flooring with white doors and fresh light green decorating touches

The greatest mistake that people make when picking a material is judging it simply by its texture. Seeing as how this is something that is about to decorate your home, you need to put physical properties to the forefront. For instance, a material that absorbs stains is definitely a bad choice for your kitchen, while […]

7 amazingly creative ways to decorate kid’s room interior

If you have children, then you how important it is to have space specifically organised for them. Even though you will spend time with them, they need their own room to play, sleep and learn. If there’s only a few year difference between your children, you don’t have to decorate a separate space for them. […]

Setting the mood: colours for creating a calming bedroom

Kimi wallpaper by Scion in Slate/Ink

We usually don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the room colour, as long as it goes well with our furniture. But colours have a big impact on our mood and thoughts. They can make us serene or cause anxiety, provoke happy thoughts, or be depressing. While the choice of colours is essential for […]

Freshen up your living room without breaking the bank

A comfy living room couch and coffee table

For most families treat, the living room is the heart of their home. This is the place where they socialise and relax. When you spend a lot of time in your living room, you can fast grow tired of its look and the decor, but what can you do when you can’t afford a total remodel? Here are some design tips that are super effective and budget-friendly.

Let there be light: 6 tips for decorating dark rooms

6 Tips for Lighting a dark space

Humans feel better and happier in a brightly lit space, so don’t let your dark rooms ruin your mood. There are ways to light up even the darkest of spaces using lighting fixtures, natural light and some smart decor. Here’s how you can bring light to your home and make it cosy and comfy. Go […]

The secret of styling your home like a Parisian

Parisian apartment - a view through the window

The allure of Parisian homes lies in their enticing design that exudes elegance worthy of French royalty. Sophisticated, but not over the top, harmonious, but certainly not boring, Parisian style features a vintage beauty with a modern twist. Designing like a Parisian will help you give your home a luxurious, chic look along with your […]