Tansy Bloom Wallpaper in Atlantis


$540 + $54 GST per roll

Introducing this Tansy Bloom Wallpaper. This design is a collaboration between Giles Deacon and Sanderson, inspired by the classic Hykenham pattern from the Sanderson archives. Renowned designer Kenneth Truman originally created the Hykenham design in 1939, and now it’s been beautifully reimagined as Tansy Bloom.

Truman’s incredible talent for botanical illustration is evident in this pattern, which features delicate flowers and new elements inspired by a natural woodland setting, such as mushrooms, critters, and birds’ nests. Some elements stand out in bold accent colors, while others seamlessly blend with the original design. Tansy Bloom is perfect for design enthusiasts who appreciate a modern twist on a timeless classic.

Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.

Tansy Bloom Wallpaper In Atlantis
Tansy Bloom Wallpaper in Atlantis